As a season, Summer is characterized by a lack of warmth to the eyes, hair and skin, and a certain ethereal, soft feeling to it. Summer looks great in pastel colors, and Light Summer takes this a step further, glowing in soft, dusky pastels. Unlike Light Spring, Light Summer’s skin doesn’t have golden or peachy undertones, and the hair is generally an ashy blonde or very light brown with no hints of gold or red. Light Summer is Summer influenced by Spring, so they are more luminous than other Summers. If you can’t wear warm colors, you may be a Cool Summer instead.
General Characteristics Of The Light Summer Palette
Most light summers were blonde as children, even if their hair has darkened as they age. They still make very convincing blondes. Other characteristics of this palette are:
This season’s hair is most likely blond, from cool icy blondes to dark ashy tones, or even brown with ashy undertones. You look great with highlighted hair, as long as the highlights are beige instead of golden. Highlights should be subtle, not too bright. Blonde hair tends to be dryer than darker shades, but not necessarily frizzier.
Summer skins tend to be pale, especially on the cheeks and lips. This palette includes some warmer tones for the face, but these are subtle. Skin tones range from white to ivory, and sometimes include a hint of peach or pink. Light Summer skin will be cool with pink undertones, but a slight, very slight touch of yellow. Not as peachy as Spring people, but not pure alabaster either.
Light Summer eyes are generally blue or grey, even a light lavender. Blue eyes are usually lighter than grey ones, but both are pretty much neutral. Darker blues can also work well, like navy or indigo. Grey eyes are often considered “cold” because they don’t reflect light, as well as blue eyes, do, but they’re actually quite beautiful when done right.
The lips are usually pale, but there are some warm tones included in this palette, such as coral and rose. Lips that are too pale can look sickly, so use caution here.
Are You A Light Summer?
The level of contrast between your eyes, hair and skin is medium to low, but it has still a certain intensity to it. You may be a Light Summer if you shine in light, grayed pastels on the cool side of the spectrum, but if you are overwhelmed by too much color then you may want to try the Soft Summer palette instead. Most Light Summer people are described as ethereal, and are of nordic descent.
[amazon bestseller=”color analysis swatches” items=”5″]Light Summer Celebrities
Some Light Summer celebrities are:
- Heather Locklear
- Naomi Watts
- Michelle Pfeiffer
- Cate Blanchett
- Gwyneth Paltrow
Light Summer Color Palette
The first thing to keep in mind if you are dressing a Light Summer season is that dark colors will make you look instantly 10 years older. And this includes black. Black near your face will make you look older, and will make your delicate coloring disappear. In order to look elegant and harmonious, you need to look into light and cool, monochromatic color schemes (or those with low contrast). Soft and cool pastels such as aqua, powder pink or raspberry look great on you, and light gray and navy are the perfect neutrals for you. Very light and not too warm coral also looks great on you.

Light Summer Makeup
Light Summer looks their best in silvery and pastel colours, such as soft blue or medium grey, teal, plum or even a light cocoa (anything warmer and you’ll look orange). Avoid black eyeliner, and try a light navy or grey instead, charcoal is the darkest you should go.
[amazon bestseller=”color analysis swatches” items=”5″]The best lipstick colours for Light Summer are also soft and cold, so a soft pink or plum, raspberry or rose would look great on you.
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