Warm Autumn, also known as True Autumn on other personal color methods, is primarily a Warm season. No compromises here, Warm Autumn hair, eyes and skin all have warm undertones. Unlike Warm Spring, True Autumn colors are more muted and subdued but they can still have a lot of intensity. Imagine a walk in the forest during the fall: the golden, browns and oranges are True Autumn colors. If you look awful in cold colors such as cool pastels but you lack the brightness of a Bright season, you are most likely a Warm Autumn.
General Characteristics Of The Warm Autumn Palette
You are likely to be a Warm Autumn if you have several of the following characteristics:
Warm Autumns usually have red or brownish red hair, though women of color may have much darker hair and still be warm autumn. The important thing to look for is the overall degree of heat which should be high. This means that your hair has a reddish tint to it, especially at the roots. Your hair will not be completely red, but it will have some warmth to it. You do not want to see any yellow tones in your hair.
True Autumn skin has clear warm undertones and you look better in gold jewelry than silver or platinum. If you are a redhead with alabaster skin, look at Bright Spring instead. Your skin tone should be warmer than normal. It does not necessarily need to be orangey-red like a true autumn’s, but it should definitely have a bit of warmth to it. A pale pink or salmon tone would work well with this palette.
Eyes are usually amber, topaz, golden brown or a very warm chocolate brown. Even a deep, warm green. Grey or sparkling eyes would point towards Spring or even Winter if the only warm thing is the hair.
Are You A Warm Autumn?
Your coloring is rich and strong, and not too contrasting, and you sort of have a golden glow. If your coloring is very light you may be a Warm Spring instead: check out of you look better in Clear Red or in Rust. Warm Spring are clearer and will look better in Clear Red. Some of your worse colors are fuchsia and pastel blue, and black or pure white makes you look tired and sick, but you look amazing in Brown and Gold colors.
Warm Autumn Celebrities
True Autumn celebrities are often redheads, as their typical coloring is usually warm and deep but there are also brown haired ones. However, there are Warm Autumn on all ethnicity and hair colors, you just need to look for them. For example:
- Aishwarya Rai is an Indian Warm Autumn, and she shines in red and golden colors
- Lindsay Lohan is another Warm Autumn though she has a tendency to go much blonder than she should
- Isla Fisher
- Kate Beckinsale
Warm Autumn Color Palette
Warm Autumn colors are rich, warm and medium deep. If you are a True Autumn your neutrals will most likely be Camel, Olive and Golden Brown, with highlights in Cream and light moss for example. Keep the contrast levels to medium and make sure to avoid cool colors such as pastel blue or you’ll look sick. Metallic colors look great on you, so try yellow gold or bronze for a night out instead of black.

Warm Autumn Makeup
True Autumns come to life in warm tones and golden tones. Lipsticks such as Mac Chili are perfect for a Warm Autumn and would look too orange and warm on anybody else. Lipstick colors with Warm, Cinnamon or Spice names are generally good for this season. Your best eye liners are warm brown and green colors, such as brown, copper, teal and warm green. For shadows, anything brown will look good on you but if you have greenish eyes a deep warm purple will make them sparkle. Keep to warm highlights such as ivory or pale gold, and light metallic eye shadows which look rich and beautiful with your natural colors.
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